We are engineering-first and customer-always

At Zipterview we are ruled by 3 words that remain mission-critical no matter what.

  • Product – we believe that a great product should be the foundation of our business and the key to keeping our users happy and productive. Without strong engineering and an outstanding product, we are nothing. Our focus is on delivering a world-class product that speaks for itself, even when we aren’t there to do the talking.
  • People – our customers are essential to the success and impact of Zipterview, now and always. We believe in nurturing our relationships with them, taking their feedback seriously, and reflecting on it sincerely. We know that our journey to success depends on listening to those who support us and want us to win. Regardless of whether the feedback is good, bad, or ugly, we value the moments shared with our users and appreciate their role in pushing us forward.
  • Passion – sometimes, we’re unsure what challenges the day will bring or which problem to tackle first. However, our passion, energy and optimism for solving problems keep us grinding and going. We work around the clock to ensure our passion is reflected in our product.